Roost Mixed Use

The Southlands, Tsawwassen, BC

In progress 2019

Roost is a mixed use project that provides 44 market one and two bedroom apartment residential units targeted to first time home-buyers and empty nesters. Two commercial units anchor the corners of the site.

Situated on the High Street of the agri-hood Southlands development, this project is very prominent on approach and exit from the community, as well as from within the Market Square itself. Small town main street typologies and corner stores were investigated as the early inspiration for the street form and articulation of the commercial volumes - utilizing setback and canopies to define the public realm.

The varied nature of balconies and ground level patios negotiate the transition of public to private while considering view and overlook.

Agriculture influences are woven through the design with small-scale growing opportunities for the residents, exterior porches, and views out over the farm and the market gardens. Gable roof forms contrast with the modern apartment block in the centre, reminiscent of the barns and canneries that historically peppered the region. 

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